Smile: A Text to Lily In 2019

I just texted this to Lily. She asked if she could do it as a monologue for an acting showcase.

“I literally am doing the best I can and I have gone out of my way to smile and he basically said, “Yeah you’ve been doing a better job smiling. Like you seem pleasant. But not like stoked. And here at Sugarfish we need stoked.” That’s bullshit - I got written up for not being stoked! And I am literally doing my best and it’s honestly rude and hurts my feelings when people say that my face looks like that. Like it’s mean. I literally can’t control what my face looks like. I think I am smiling. I am literally doing the best at faking it that I possibly can and working six days a week. Forty hours! Dude no side hustle is the right fit. I can’t do it anymore. I had a fantasy today where I just ripped off my ugly ass black button up and took my hair down in the middle of Sugarfish, ate the sushi off everyone’s plates, flashed my boobs, flipped everyone off, told all the asshole customers I was going to be famous and just ran out.”

March 18th, 2019




Where is our Place in the Circle of life?