The Baby Elephant

By Kendall Milton

I came across an elephant

I met her in my dreams

It was during one of those dark nights

Where I was bursting at the seams

The dawn of one of my hardest hours

I felt utterly alone

I asked the elephant to hold me

So I could finally feel at home

I lamented as she held me

Why my journey felt so hard

For others things came faster

And their skin appeared less scarred

Then the elephant told me

 About a dog she  knew

To whom treats and tricks came easily

Whose life seemed light and playful too

One day the dog told the elephant she was pregnant

And the elephant said, “I am as well

As for what our babies will become?

Only time will tell.”

A flash of three months later

The puppy dog came bounding back

And bounding alongside her

She had but an entire puppy pack

She questioned, “I popped out 12 babies.

But yet you say you’re pregnant too.

You seem to have so much faith.

And yet I’m much further along than you.”

The elephant recoiled

The dogs words prickled her thick skin

And yet, the elephant knew in her heart of hearts

An elephant baby rumbled within

And once again the dog returned

Three months later and she said,

“I’ve 24 babies and yet you’ve had none.

Maybe your baby dream is dead?”

The elephant wondered if she was crazy

She wanted to run and hide

And yet despite the dog’s loud doubt

The elephant knew what she felt inside

This continued several more times

But the elephant’s confidence grew

The dog would laugh and shake her head

But the elephant knew what she knew

And so 22 months later

The elephant’s baby finally came

And when the sweet creature touched the ground

The world was never quite the same

The elephant beamed proudly

As her calf walked the earth with grace

While 84 puppies licked their buttholes

And then their mother’s face

The elephant smiled, “Don’t get me wrong.

The world needs puppies to make us laugh.

But nothing really can compare

To the beauty of one little elephant calf.”

 “And so my love,” she told me,

“Go on and wipe your tears.

But first let them wash over you.

And cleanse you of your fears.

Washing over every part of your thick, scarred skin.

Until all that is left inside you,

Is your baby elephant within.”

October 23, 2020


Dear Gummy, Love Grandpie

